Friday, June 6, 2008

Quarter of a Century

So today is my 25th Birthday. I have been dreading it for sometime now. It just sounds really old to me and to think I'm a quarter of a century...might as well buy me a cane for my birthday!

Then I began to think about my life, I'm happily married, we own a house, we're not it crazy debt, I have a college degree, great friends and a supportive family. Not to mention that this year holds some pretty exciting things. I mean I'll be a mom this year, that's crazy! I will also celebrate 3 years of marriage to my soul mate, and who knows what else.

Debbie Downer is gone. Life is meant to be lived. The fact is we are made to get older and hopefully wiser every year. I wouldn't get to experience the challenges, victories and accomplishments that God has planned if I didn't get older.

So Cheers guys. Happy Birthday to me...Happy life to come!


Josh Lane said...

happy birthday ya.

Josh Lane said...

funny! and true.

ps that baby thing on an invisible carousel
is freaking me out.

love JOYCE