Friday, June 20, 2008


So, Justin has returned from Mexico...PTL. I really missed him while he was gone, but I so enjoyed hearing all about the trip. He got back pretty late on Tuesday night so I was a bit comatose when he was explaining the pictures to me.

I got to hear the majority of the impact the missions trip had on him on Wednesday night at Identity Youth. He had already planned to just share about the trip and not preach...well, God had something else in store. We ended up worshiping for like an hour (there was such a sweet presence of God there), then we prayed for a while, then Justin began to share his heart and tell how the trip impacted him, how the mission field is here too, and how we should seek Him no matter where we are.

When they arrived on the trip, the leader gave everyone a wrist band with I.N.A.M. to remind them of their goal all week.

It's Not About Me.

Something as simple as that was a bit hard to overcome. As Justin began to share how he felt so helpless due to the language barrier between them, he then shared how God kept reminding him that it wasn't about him. God used Justin and the others despite the "barrier" that the felt. They showed God's love and that shines through any obstacle. He came back so renewed and with a different perspective on quite a bit of things.

It's Not About Me.

This is something I find will carry any of us through. We, as a nation are so, TOO, focused on ME and I.
How quickly we forget that WE are not the focus
WE don't have all the answers
WE can't fix everything
WE cannot satisfy.

It's Not About ME.

I think in ministry we are also so focused on the next big program or next big event that WE will come up with, that WE will get the credit for. When will we realize that WE are nothing without GOD.
HE is the one that divinely inspires
HE is the one that creates
HE is the one that answers
HE is the one that satisfies
HE is the focus of all that we do and say
and HE is everything.

It's NOT about me! Thank GOD!

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