Sunday, December 28, 2008

6 days and counting

Well folks, I'm still here. T minus 6 days and counting. My due date is on Sat. and I can't believe I've made it this far! I really thought that I was going to go early, but I guess Judah is comfy and cozy right where he is. I have a doctor's apt. tomorrow so I look forward to see what they say. I think they may talk to me about an induction so Judah doesn't get too big for me!! I'm so ready. I am absolutely miserable. It is certainly work being this pregnant. It hasn't felt like work until this last month.
Justin has been a real trooper though I must say. I am so moody, emotional and lazy these days. He's helped keep the house nice and tidy and has tried to elevate any discomfort I'm feeling. Precious. It still seem so sereal to us that Judah is in my belly and can come out at any time and be here in our arms to love and cherish. Even though I've felt him move for several months now, it's such an amazing miracle to me that this process is about to end and a whole new journey is going to begin. I have had dreams about him and can't wait to meet him and have him safely in our arms.
We've been walking everyday to hopefully get this process to progress a little faster. I'll let you know what the dr. says tomorrow and hopefully it will be good news. I keep hearing these stories from people about how they were 2 weeks overdue. I can't imagine!!! I l pray with the advances of modern medicine that will NOT be the case for me!

1 comment:

lindsay rae said...

i know you are so ready for that baby to come! i remember the feeling with ben. he came only two days before his due date and i was doing every single possible thing i could do get that kid out. i RAN... i drank castoroil...i walked for hours upon end... eeeew. the castoroil was the worst thing in ever. i get shivers reliving it. but let me tell you this, even though i understand you probably don't want ot hear it: God knows when you are ready and when judah will be perfectly ready, so as incredibly freaking hard as it is, be patient and enjoy the experience. now, remind me of that when it's august and i'm enormous and it's 100 degrees outside, okay? :)