Thursday, July 1, 2010

Daycare...the Mommy replacer

So yesterday I had a horrible experience when picking up Judah from his preschool. I went into his room to pick him up and he wasn't there. Come to find out he was hanging with the "big kids" in the 2 year old room. (He's kind of a favorite there and the teachers will take him to hang out in their rooms for the aftercare program.) The teacher walked in carrying Judah and as soon as he saw me he clung on to the teacher for dear life. (I'm talking death-grip) I reached out for him and he started SCREAMING. I tried to reassure him and he wouldn't have it. The teacher put him down, and well...FULL ON TANTRUM. I tried to pick him up and he ran from me. SO SAD. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, I was able to pick him up and then carry him to the car. I made it to the car and, cue - Waterworks. It hurt my feelings so bad, especially when I think about how he used to run up and hug me every afternoon when I would pick him up.

I mean, have I been replaced? It would seem so. I guess it makes sense, he spends more time there than with me. This makes me more than SAD. I only wish we could afford for me to stay home with him. What a far-fetched dream. There is no way this will ever happen. Breaks my poor little, broken heart. I have tried to reason with myself on this matter and have included my list of pro's and con's. Tell me your opinion on the matter.

Pro: Judah enjoys his time at school
Con: Mommy misses Judah all day

Pro: Judah is loved at School
Con: Judah would receive more love while at home with Mommy

Pro: Judah is learning so fast, due to being at Preschool
Con: Mommy and daddy are going broke paying for Preschool

Pro: Judah has lots of friends
Con: Judah would rather stay with his friends than go home

Pro: Judah spends 8 hours at school.
Con: Judah spends 8 hours at school. (And a mere 2 hrs. with Mommy)

1 comment:

Lisa Michelle Turner said...

Jules! They merely watch him, you are his teach him life lessons & will be a constant in his life. 2 yrs from now he won't even remember who that teacher was. You are a great mom & I'm sure there have been many times he's cried for you and you alone! Keep your head up, you are doing everything you can to make sure he has a great life! He has an awesome mother and he knows it ;)